JL Rothstein


JL Rothstein

JL Rothstein

Supernatural Suspense, Fantasy

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  • Member Since

    Jul 2020

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    November 12

  • Profession

    Author, Manager, Mentor


I am a published author, my debut novel Atonement: Heaven Sent Book One launched June 2020. The thrid book in the series, Vengeance released in July 2022. I was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts USA. I come from a large Irish Catholic family and spent twelve years in Catholic School where the concept of Heaven and Hell were deeply ingrained. I write in the Fantasy genre with an affinity for the supernatural.

I have a BS from Suffolk University and I’m currently pursuing an MBA in Creative Writing. I live in the western part of the state with my husband Alan, & two cats, Brady and Mr. Thumbs.

You can visit me at my website for more information about my upcoming projects www.JLRothstein.com or on social media; Instagram & Twitter @jlrothstein1 or via Facebook @authorjlrothstein.

JL Rothstein Books

Book Teaser

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